Clubs & Tutoring

HSAC After School and Clubs for Scholars

Our school provides diversified, rich, and entertaining student clubs supporting our students in many ways.

Clubs and tutoring are offered after school from 2:30-3:10 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. For a grade-level schedule, please see the front office.

2024-2025 Clubs & Tutoring



1st Grade Math Tutoring with Ms. Byrd

2nd Grade Math Tutoring with Ms. Simms

3rd-5th Grade Math Tutoring with Ms. Richter and Ms. Bernal

3rd-8th Grade General Tutoring with Mrs. Blevins and Mrs. Angus

Coding with Mr. Hassan

MathCON Prep with Mrs. Khan

Robotics with Mr. Zak

Knitting Club with Ms. Walker

Chess with Mr. Han and Mr. Oz



Robotics with Mr. Zak

Middle School Art Club with Mrs. Sutton

Drama/Fairy Tale Club with Ms. vanSchaik

6th-8th Grade ELA Tutoring with Mrs. Borrego and Mr. Mitchell

3B Homework Lab with Ms. Campbell

4th Grade Homework Lab with Ms. Woody

High School Placement Test Prep with Mrs. Khan

4th-8th Grade Book Club with Mrs. Blevins and Mrs. Angus



Choir with Ms. Carpenter

3rd Grade ELA Tutoring with Ms. Campbell

2nd-5th Grade Art Club with Mrs. Sutton

1st Grade ELA Tutoring with Mrs. Byrd

Kindergarten Tutoring with Ms. vanSchaik and Ms. Smith

2nd Grade ELA Tutoring with Ms. Simms

3rd-5th Grade Book Club with Ms. Woody